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Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Santeria Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Santeria - Research Paper Example Perhaps, but it depends on the criteria one uses to measure success. For example, there are not many members of Santeria and it is also quite a geographically and racially limited faith (de la Torre, 12). It probably would not appeal to a broad segment of the world’s population. The practitioners of this faith have also not made much of an impact on contemporary life. But before discussing this issue further, some history about Santeria is important. The Santeria developed largely out of a mix of African tribal religions and new world spirituality that meshed together in the plantations of the Caribbean. During the 16th and 17th century many Africans were kidnapped from their homes on the East Coast of Africa and forcibly transferred to the Caribbean to work on sugarcane plantations as slaves (Eltis, 156-7). Their journey in the Middle Passage was a truly cruel and terrifying one. Although the place they were going to was very religiousâ€â€mostly Catholicâ€â€the people there had no real respect for the Africans’ traditional religions. Many new arrivals to the New World found their religion had been criminalized and that they had to be baptized into a new faith (Eltis, 78). They had the vestiges of their old life stripped from them as they were nothing more than rags. Over time, the old religion and the new religions became one and Santeria was born. Santeria has special gods and special priests and interesting ceremonies that sometimes feature animal sacrifices. Music plays a very important role in the rituals (de la Torre, 121). In these respects it is similar to many of its constituent religions, including Catholicism. All of these reasons establish that Santeria is a fascinating religion; this essay will examine some further points that strengthen this assertion. To many, Santeria is looked at with some suspicion as there have been some unfortunate news stories about it in recent years (McQuiston). People sometimes have the ideas
Monday, February 3, 2020
Write about the reasons of the need of geometry who Descartes and Essay
Write about the reasons of the need of geometry who Descartes and Fermat contributed founding it. Also write about if there was a rivalry between them If there was, what caused it - Essay Example A theorem that is not simple to write more pithily in simple language called the four-line theorem. In addition, if two of the fixed lines correspond then the conduit of P is still a conic other than the predicament the three-line predicament is easier. Furthermore, Fermat presented his own resistant of the three-line theorem, as well as in doing so, he completed use of systematic technique determining position in a plane by two systematize presentation that if the coordinates are correlated by equations like 2x + 3y = 5, subsequently, the point lies on a instantly line along with rapidly. He also exerted out the equations of the curves identified as conic segment as well as he was moderately familiar with direct methods in three extents (Newman, pp. 49-54). Additional work of a comparable character by Fermat transmits to the problem of erect a tangent to a curve by means of infinitesimals. Moreover, he established a method of scheme that resolved a problem of locale. In addition, almost significant was his method of maxima and minima as well (Mahoney, pp.
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