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The Illiad Play Free Essays
Isaiah Hammed An Iliad Essay Response Honors British Literature Mr.. Jason Then 3/24/14 â€Å"War is Hell†Adventurers looking f...
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Illiad Play Free Essays
Isaiah Hammed An Iliad Essay Response Honors British Literature Mr.. Jason Then 3/24/14 â€Å"War is Hell†Adventurers looking for a live blood fest ought to be advised, in any case, that this crazy brutality is incited through the expressions of a sole on-screen character, played by James Deviate, in An Iliad. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Illiad Play or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now James Deviate recounts to the narrative of the Trojan War as he is living and alluding to all wars that were battled since. â€Å"Every time I sing this melody, I trust it’s the last time,†the Poet tells his crowd. In any case, it never is on the grounds that wars continue happening everywhere throughout the world. An Iliad summons the message of purposelessness of war, with war, everybody loses and at long last there is no goals. The message the creation of an Iliad is attempting to make is that war is silly as each war. Andrew Bobby’s destructed setting depicts the lost and demolished lives in the story. The casual, loquacious tone echoes Homer’s utilization of analogy, and makes matches between present day life to the wants that disturbed the Trojan and Greeks. Veered off conveys the desired information by his customary, artful dance developments which express the custom of war. Counting the champion scene where the Poet loses it, speaking to the thoughtless executing of warriors. The writer gives each individual being murdered a screens. As he portrays a lance being plunged down someone’s throat, he’ll state, â€Å"He was a hitched man with a 3-year-old-son†. Or on the other hand â€Å"he was an amazing warrior from the fields of Argon, and he was a decent potter, known to create wonderful things. †The artist esteems every life until its finish. He praises the grit, faithfulness, and quality of the fighters by giving each a positive quality. The cone where Prima the King rebukes himself by putting his life in danger to ask for greetings son’s dead body, feeling that they will slaughter him and shockingly they don’t. He asks and Achilles consents to give it back. Achilles is the sufficiently best to state miss, I’ll do this†, and shows restraint enough to caution Prima not to holler so he doesn’t execute him. This uncommon scene delineates the nostalgic and fearless side of the masculine warriors. The dramatic participation of cellist Alicia Storing advances the audience’s thankfulness of how this old story will consistently stay a story for everybody. Simply having the sound f a cello on occasion will bring out the ladies who are discussed in the play,†Deviated said. â€Å"Seeing a lady out there changes the story. So frequently, ladies and kids are the inadvertent blow-back in war. Alias’s nearness, while I portray things like Hectors child being tossed from the bu lwarks, will change how that record resounds. †Snowline) The spooky nearness of the cellist screenwriters the story. The most effective method to refer to The Illiad Play, Papers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Voltaire’s Candide Relevant to Modern Society
Dimattia, Devin English 12 AP Period 2 Gonzalez 10-5-11 Does Voltaire’s Candide interface with Modern Society? The tone and topic of Candide, a great work of writing, make the novel pertinent to the present current world. These two components of the story breath life into the great for new ages to identify with as they read it. The satiric story joins another age of present day perusers to a recorded past as they relate to both the topic and tone of the novel all in all. The tone of Voltaire's exceptionally mocking work is entertainingly miserable, and the tone is clever in light of the fact that Candide and his individual characters handle the thought, set out by the logician Pangloss, that â€Å"everything is for the best†and there is â€Å"the most ideal of the two universes. †This visually impaired good faith is refuted consistently through the incidents that Candide and the remainder of the story's characters understanding, yet the characters proceed with their miserably inspirational perspectives for the duration of their lives. When stood up to with the hopeless real factors of the detestations of life by a researcher, Candide just answers, â€Å"I've seen more regrettable, however a savvy man, who later had the disaster to be hanged, instructed me that such things are actually as they ought to be: they're the shadows in a delightful picture. †This tone is accomplished by the terrible occasions that the characters of Candide suffer and their hesitance to acknowledge the possibility that, perhaps, they truly are damned, and not everything is really generally advantageous. The peruser is slanted to abandon trust some time before any of the characters do. For instance, Candide loses his darling Pangloss and the benevolent Anabaptist on his excursion to the idealistic Eldorado, gets beaten and whipped, slaughters more than one individual, and endures various different mishaps while as yet reasoning that everything is still for the best since he can at present discover Cunegonde. After Pangloss is hanged, dismembered, beaten, and made to push in a cookroom, he despite everything accepts that everything is generally advantageous. Candide asks him, â€Å"Tell me, dear Pangloss †¦ id you despite everything feel that everything was for the best in this world? †And Pangloss answers, â€Å"I still hold my unique opinions†. He proceeds to state that his thinking is because of the way that he is a rationalist and it is inappropriate to denounce what he had said. Likewise, toward the finish of the novel, Candide, Cunegonde, Pangloss, and the Ol d Woman all conclude that they are wealthy where they are and that they should tend their nursery, ignoring each ghastly thing that they have needed to involvement with their pasts. Pangloss depicted this best when he said to Candide toward the end, â€Å"All occasions are between associated in this most ideal all things considered, for on the off chance that you hadn't been driven from an excellent mansion with hard kicks in the behind in light of your affection for Lady Cunegonde, on the off chance that you hadn't been seized by the Inquisition, on the off chance that you hadn't meandered over America by walking, on the off chance that you hadn't push your blade through the noble, and on the off chance that you hadn't lost all your sheep from the place where there is Eldorado, you wouldn't be here eating sugar coated citrons and pistachio nuts. This last note of evidence of their never-ending good faith is predictable with the tone, where Cunegonde is appalling, the Old Woman is obnoxious, and none of the characters are extremely glad, yet they all keep on busying themselves with something to do and keep being confident. â€Å"The entire gathering went into this admirable arrangement, and each started to practice his own gifts. The topic of Candide is that life is completely out of line and will keep on giving everybody a harsh time regardless of an individual's demeanor of expectation or a confidence in everything being generally advantageous. This conspicuous subject is appeared again and again as Candide and his associates endure multitudinous setbacks and disasters even through the presence of their on the whole solid conviction that everything will show up generally advantageous. Each character is damaged and hopeless more often than not. Some are even idea to be dead a few times. Before the finish of the novel, the peruser is nearly in wonderment that Candide and the others have not abandoned life completely. The peruser eventually observes that it is sad to feel that things will end up being great for the characters. Be that as it may, it is likewise difficult to accept that they won't keep on living, learn, and attempt to be cheerful regardless.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Hackapult Sieges The Dome
Hackapult Sieges The Dome On Friday, September 4th, I arrived in my office shortly after 7AM. One of the lovely things about my office is that I have a window under the Great Dome, overlooking Killian Court. Its a beautiful view, especially in the early rays of daybreak, when the sun strikes my solar-powered prism and sprays rainbows down the walls. While adjusting my standing desk and settling into my morning routine, I looked, as I so often do, out through the trees, onto the lawn, past the enormous catapult, and across the river to â€" past the giant catapult. Yes, there was a hack a hackapult, to be more precise. According to the IHTFP Hack Gallery: In an attempt to answer the age-old question of how hackers manage to access the dome, a multi-part hack appeared on the morning of September 4, 2015 which suggested one method: a catapult, nicknamed the hackapult, which was used to fling older hacks back on the Great Dome. The hack referenced numerous hacks which have appeared on the Great Dome in the past[and] quickly gained the attention of the local Boston media, with three news copters flying overhead by 8:00am and two ground photographers shortly thereafter. The Boston Globe reported soon after with In latest MIT hack, a tribute to pranks of years past. I stood outside admiring the hack for awhile with former blogger â€" and East Campus Historian â€" Danny B.D., as well as Chancellor Barnhart and Provost Schmidt, as the news crews assembled and traffic copters flew overhead. MIT facilities started dissembling the hack by 8:30AMbut not before some members of facilities took some selfies on the dome. Most of it was down by noon. In case you missed it, here are some photos, courtesy of Landon Carter 17. MIT facilities inspects the damage to the Dome Chancellor Barnhart (center, in white) and Danny BD (black shirt) inspect the hack A detective from the MIT Police ponders the mystery of the hack Onlookers pose for pictures with the hack A view of the hack from across the court A view of the hack from the Mass Ave Bridge Looks like the police car fell a bit short! Hacker TARDIS Plans Schematics Proposals Physics Capers No dogs were harmed in the hacking of this hack but I cant say the same for the cows. Those tender, tender cows.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Indian Business Process Offshoring Industry - 1120 Words
Case3 The Indian Business Process Offshoring Industry Global business process offshoring (BPO) has been becoming more popular in the last two decades. Increasing cost pressures made Western companies start to offshore IT activities to developed economies, which offered them cost attractiveness. One of the countries with the most developed Offshoring industry is India accounting for 30% of the global BPO Industry. Case’s Facts: * Global business process offshoring (BPO) industry is $50billion in 2012. * India accounts for 30% of the BPO Industry * BPO sector in India employs over 4.5 million people * India has an increasing amount of English speaking graduates. * BPO evolution 1. Routine IT activities†¦show more content†¦Switching back would imply high costs. | 2. What unique resources and capabilities help Indian BPO firms to compete globally and also enter new markets? Resources and capabilities | Tangible | * Financial: Indian firms haven t been highly affected by the GFC, which have given them the capital to acquire IT specialised companies in US and European market. * Physical: operation in Europe, Asia, North America and Latin America. Specialisation of their locations in different services. * Technological: Diversified portfolio of services and global delivery capabilities. * Organisational: Ability to generate high quality low-cost services. | Intangible | * Human: skilled IT human capital (English graduates) * Innovation: ability to innovate to the necessities of the clients: Indian BPO went from offshoring routine IT activities to specialise IT. New capabilities to serve newer industries (healthcare) and across the full range of product development value chain.- Reputation of providing high-quality services at low cost | 3. What formal or informal institutions make accelerate or constrain the growth of Indian BPO industry? Formal: Government role. BPO sector in India employs over 4.5 million people. Therefore, it is an essential industry for the country’s economy. Indian government is concerned about continuing the development within the industry. SomeShow MoreRelatedIndi Indias Economic Effect On The United States1717 Words  | 7 Pagesbase of workers for input in emerging markets leads to greater outputs of production, which is important for shifting the production possibility curve outward and building a strong national economic base to compete globally. In 2005, 50 million Indians fell into the middle class income bracket with a purchasing parity power between $4,380 and $117,650 (US), but this was only 5% of the population. Current economic and population growth rates predict that the middle class will swell to 583 millionRead MoreIndia s Increasing Demand For Kpo825 Words  | 4 PagesThe CAGR (compound annual growth rate) was expected by the Indian KPO sector between 2003 and 2010 was of 49.5%. In spite of slowdown, India’s KPO market is rising at a CAGR of approximately 30% at present and could touch $30 billion by 2015 from the current level of $20 billion. Since these reports clearly divulge that there is a clear trend towards KPO services to India. A large no. of companies are showing their interest in India to offshore their work at comparatively cheaper rates. For instanceRead MoreEssay on Business Outsourcing1599 Words  | 7 Pagesshores, or offshoring, is an idea that has long been in practice, yet meets resistance when American business seeks to send jobs overseas. Sending jobs overseas may help a faltering American business keep their doors open and keep more important jobs open for American workers. Outsourcing has been a business practice for hundreds of years. Adopting legislation to curb Offshoring will limit American businesses competitive edge, one that helps small business thrive and grow, and helps big business to plantRead MoreAdvantages Of Outsourcing And Outsourcing1428 Words  | 6 Pagesthe internet has allowed business to communicate across the world within seconds thus creating a global economy that depends on one another. Globalization is defined as the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas and other aspects of culture. A global economy allows companies to source their product or service from around the world. This enables business by giving them more options and resources to grow their business. However, globalizationRead MoreOffshore Outsourcing: Good or Evil? Essay2179 Words  | 9 Pagescertain industries in recent years – there is an increasing number of businesses hiring workers in foreign lands, especially India and other Asian nations, to perform work that has traditionally been done by Americans. This trend had been particularly noticeable in the field of information technology, where most analysts believe salaries have been negatively impacted by this practice, known as â€Å"offshoring†(â€Å"Offshoring Eats†). Since information technology lies at the heart of business in theRead MorePros and Cons for Outsourcing1710 Words  | 7 Pagesproponents of offshoring services outside of the US. They say that the benefits of outsourcing exceed the disadvantages. The main discussion is more likely a political one. It shows that a lot of citizens are pursuing protectionism to prevent any problems for American workers. THEORY Outsourcing occurs when a company fragmentizes a production process and sends this to another outside company. When companies are outsourcing to other countries/continents, it is also known as offshoring. A surveyRead MoreChallenges Of Bpo Industry1881 Words  | 8 PagesChallenges due to low cost countries on India’s IT-BPO Industry India is facing competition from other countries around the world in IT outsourcing. China, Ireland, The Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Poland, and Egypt are just some of the countries that aggressively looking at IT outsourcing for growth. Over the years these countries have been developing their country to be able to provide IT outsourcing and lay a strong foundation to sustain this new idea.  According to KPMG (2016), some of theRead MoreBig Breakthroughs Happen When What Is Still1201 Words  | 5 Pagesprotocols for computers to communicate within themselves without human intervention. The importance of the third flattener cannot be emphasised enough. The next three flatteners that Friedman talks about are uploading, outsourcing and offshoring. Outsourcing and offshoring came into the picture when companies started acknowledging the Y2K issue and thereby put India and China on the map. Friedman then cites Walmart as an example to explain the emphasis of improving Supply Ch ain Management on globalisationRead MoreFirst Social Impact On Changing Career Models1453 Words  | 6 Pages As the variation of workers’ income levels, status and values about business and the character of the U.S. government, significant social impacts are generated from these changes (Earl, as cited in Knapp, Sharma King, 2007). First social impact involves changing career models. According to Sullivan (as cited in Terjesen, 2006), conventionally, careers have followed an upward, linear series through one or two firms or consist stable employment in one progression. Terjesen (2006) claims thatRead MoreCase Study1945 Words  | 8 Pagessimilar to the competitor NDTV because of the 24 hour format of news television, but there are many things that are different at CNN-IBN. NDTV may do a good story one day and CNN-IBN put together another good story the next day. It is a constant process of evolution. But people notice the differences between CNN-IBN and other news channels. Every news channel is going to say that news is its core value. A news channel’s USP depends on how the channel treats the news and what impact the news
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Causes of Teen Suicide Essay - 1500 Words
Teen suicide is becoming more common every year in the United States. In fact, only car accidents and homicides (murders) kill more people between the ages of 15 and 24, making suicide the third leading cause of death in teens and overall in youths ages 10 to 19 years old. Read on to learn more about this serious issue - including what causes a person to consider taking their own life, what puts a teen at risk for suicide or self-harm, and warning signs that someone might be considering suicide and how they can get help to find other solutions. Its common for teens to think about death to some degree. Teens thinking capabilities have matured in a way that allows them to think more deeply - about their existence in the world, the†¦show more content†¦The majority of suicide attempts and suicide deaths happen among teens with depression. Consider these statistics about teen suicide and teen depression: about 1% of all teens attempts suicide and about 1% of those suicide attempts results in death (that means about 1 in 10,000 teens dies from suicide). But for adolescents who have depressive illnesses, the rates of suicidal thinking and behavior are much higher. Most teens who have depression think about suicide, and between 15% and 30% of teens with serious depression who think about suicide go on to make a suicide attempt. Keep in mind that most of the time for most teen?s depression is a passing mood. The sadness, loneliness, grief, and disappointment we all feel at times are normal reactions to some of the struggles of life. With the right support, some resilience, an inner belief that there will be a brighter day, and decent coping skills, most teens can get through the depressed mood that happens occasionally when life throws them a curve ball. But sometimes depression doesnt lift after a few hours or a few days. Instead it lasts, and it can seem too heavy to bear. When someone has a depressed or sad mood that is intense and lingers almost all day, almost every day for 2 weeks or more, it may be a sign that the person has developed major depression. MajorShow MoreRelatedThe Cause And Effect Of The Teen Suicide Essay1334 Words  | 6 PagesTeen suicide is a big problem all around the world, and we try to prevent it by offering help, and medications for whatever these teens are going through. What you may or may not know is that although we do offer help, these teens who are suicidal face negative criticism which sometimes pushes them to do something drastic. What I would like to accomplish with my paper would be to give my audience, not only a better understanding of some of the causes and effects of being suicidal, but also explainRead MoreTeen Suicide : Causes And Effects2454 Words  | 10 Pages Teen Suicide is a big problem around the world where it is causing Teens/Kids to kill themselves or harm themselves in some type of way. Don’t you ever just wonder why they wanna kill themselves ? or like how their Parents or closest Friends would react if they found out there Daughter/Son or Friend is found lifeless in their own house and there only at the age of 12 - 19 ? There are so many questions that everybody wants to get answered from the Teen that decides to take there own life . Over theRead MoreThe Causes and Prevention of Teen Suicide Essay545 Words  | 3 PagesBefore the mid-1970s, teen suicide appeared to be a rare happening. Suicide is the eleventh leading cause of death in the United States with 32,000 Americans taking their own lives annually every sixteen minutes (Tricare). It is the third leading cause of death for fifteen-to-twenty-four year olds. ((Kirszner G. Laurie, and Mandell R. Stephen 377) Teens should be more aware of the causes and preventions of teen suicide. Among college students suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death. Some 1000Read MoreEssay on Causes and Effects of Teen Suicide599 Words  | 3 Pagesbetween the ages 15-25 years tries to kill themselves every year; 5000 succeed. The most common causes? Stress, bullying, failed relationships, abuse, and failures at studies. Teenage suicide is wrong, it indicates how ruthless today’s society is, and it proves that sometimes, teenagers feel like they can’t be understood or accepted, that they don’t have an adult or close friend to consult to. Teenage suicide is truly sad, to even think that someone feels the absolute need to end their life because thereRead MoreThe Main Environmental And Emotional Causes And Crisis Intervention Of Teen Suicide Essay1643 Words  | 7 PagesThis paper will discuss the main environmental and emotional causes and crisis intervention of teen suicide based on experimental facts and assessment studies. In today’s society, suicide rates continue to rise amongst teens. In some suicide cases, family and friends are caught completely off guard as signs can be misinterpreted. Why does suicide come as a surprise to family and friends and what can be done to decrease the record high will be one of the points within this paper. Early recognitionRead MoreS uicide the Third Leading Causes of Death among Teens in the World1026 Words  | 4 Pagestime goes by which is attributed to suicide. Lets put an end to teenage suicide starting with ways to detect and prevent it. The lack of prevention to help reduce the rate of teen suicide that the community deficient in is why more students and schools are coming together to help spread awareness within communities and around the world. Suicide has become a big issue in todays generation, especially for teens. Suicide is now known as the third leading cause of death among youth all around the worldRead MoreTeen Suicide Is The Third Leading Cause Death For High School Students1396 Words  | 6 PagesOver the years teen suicide has increased tremendously. According to Michael Jellinek, â€Å"the adolescent may feel they have no choice but to end their intense internal suffering or to solve a hopeless dilemma by ending it all†(Preventing Teen Suicide). According to the Center of Disease Prevention, â€Å"suicide is the third-leading cause of death for high school students after car accidents and homicides†(Bratsis). Everyday teens are faced with internal struggles and challenges that are difficult to copeRead MoreSuicide Is The Third Leading Cause Of Death1191 Words  | 5 Pages Suicide is the Third Leading Cause of Death in Adolescence Connie Yonn West Coast University Suicide behavior arise in adolescence, a period when significant mood and disturb behavior preoccupied with death (Stoep, 2009). Teen suicide rates are disturbing and have been increasing in the current years base on statistic (Croft, 2016). The increasing number of teen suicide have cause awareness and brought attention to observance in teen suicide (Croft, 2016). It is said to be the third leading causeRead MoreBreaking News : Teen Commits Suicide1222 Words  | 5 Pages â€Å"BREAKING NEWS: TEEN COMMITS SUICIDE†is not an unusual headline to read. Time and time again teens are making the choice to end their lives much like Richard Kirchoff’s son, Ryan Kirchoff, who took his life at the young age of 18. Kirchoff’s son was a normal kid who had many friends, a loving family, and dreamt that he would become a successful doctor, but all was taken away after he made the decision to take his life. Ryan had depression and refused to seek help from the people he trusted resultingRead MoreTeen Suicide Essays1064 Words  | 5 Pagesfrom cancer, getting shot, or car accidents, but by their own hands. They make the choice to take their lives; they commit suicide. To begin, what is â€Å"Suicide†? According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, suicide is the act or instance of taking one’s own life voluntarily and intentionally. The number of teenagers who take their lives is rapidly increasing each year. Teen suicide is escalating out of control and no one seems to realize just how severe the issue has become. Every day and average of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Night Creature Blue Moon Chapter 36 Free Essays
I would have liked a shower, but I didn’t have the luxury. Instead, I threw on my uniform, retrieved my weapons, and was on my way out the door when the doorbell rang. Expecting Mandenauer, I could only stare stupidly at Clyde, â€Å"Where you goin’ in such a hurry?†â€Å"Um. We will write a custom essay sample on Night Creature: Blue Moon Chapter 36 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Uh.†I should tell Clyde everything, but I was in a bit of a rush. Besides, he hated Will already. He’d be thrilled to shoot him with silver and say â€Å"whoops†later. â€Å"Mandenauer,†I blurted. â€Å"T said I’d come over early.†â€Å"I was just there, and I woke him up. Definitely a ‘ don’t go away mad; just go away’moment. Heartbreak Ridge was on last night. Not exactly Clint’s words, but near ‘ nough. Mandenauer was going back to sleep. Since you’ve got hours yet before your shift, why don’t we have a little chat?†I glanced through my living room toward the window. I might have hours before my shift, but sundown was soon. It was then I saw my panties lying on the carpet in the middle of the room. Clyde sniffed, once, twice, and I turned to find him so close I leaped back. â€Å"What the hell?†I demanded, embarrassed, nervous, betrayed, and cranky. â€Å"I can smell him on you.†I didn’t know what to say to that. Luckily I didn’t have to say anything, since Clyde kept talking. â€Å"Jesus, Jessie, I’d have thought you of all people would be able to resist a pretty face. Have you no pride?†Apparently not. â€Å"Clyde, I’ve got to go.†â€Å"Where?†â€Å"None of your business.†â€Å"When you’re wearing that uniform, everything you do is my business.†I had a flash of what I’d been doing a few times in this uniform. Definitely not Clyde’s business. But I wasn’t going to tell him that. My cheeks heated in spite of myself. â€Å"I need to see Mandenauer,†I repeated. â€Å"I’ll just have to wake him up.†â€Å"Where’s Cadotte?†â€Å"Not here.†I stepped into the hallway and Clyde had no choice but to move back; then I closed the door firmly behind me. â€Å"I want to talk to him.†â€Å"Join the club.†I started down the hall. â€Å"He sneak out on you?†I turned. â€Å"Why are you so damned interested in Cadotte all of a sudden?†â€Å"I want to talk to him about the attempted murder of Edward Mandenauer.†â€Å"Have you lost your mind?†â€Å"Have you?†â€Å"What possible reason could Will have to shoot Man-denauer? He barely knows the man.†â€Å"Mandenauer and I had quite a chat when I stopped into the clinic earlier. I hear he was shot with a crossbow.†â€Å"And?†â€Å"Cadotte has a crossbow.†â€Å"So does every old man between here and Minoqua. That doesn’t make him guilty.†I turned and headed down the hall. â€Å"He’s got no motive.†Trust Clyde to fuck that up. â€Å"Wouldn’t a werewolf want to kill the wolf hunter?†I froze. â€Å"A what?†â€Å"Come off it, Jessie. Mandenauer told me everything.†Slowly I faced him. â€Å"And you believed him?†He shrugged. â€Å"I was raised Ojibwe. Just because I’ve had to play that down to get where I am doesn’t mean I don’t believe in the legends. I’ve seen things†¦ †He shook his head. â€Å"Let’s just say werewolves are the least of them.†I couldn’t quite get my mind around the fact that my boss believed in the unbelievable. Had everyone gone over to the dark side? I set my rifle against the wall. The weapon was getting too heavy to cart up and down the hallway. â€Å"So you know about the blue moon? The werewolf army? The wolf god?†â€Å"Everything.†He held out his hand. â€Å"Why don’t you give me that totem for safekeeping?†I stared at his palm, then lifted my gaze to his face. â€Å"I don’t have it.†Anger flickered in his eyes. â€Å"Jessie, you’re playing with something you don’t understand.†It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him that Will had taken the stone, but he grabbed me by the upper arms and shook me. My teeth rattled, and I decided to keep the information to myself. I didn’t care for the way he was acting. â€Å"I don’t have the totem, Clyde. I swear.†â€Å"Only one way to find out.†He spun me around and patted me down. I was tempted to fight back, but Clyde was a lot bigger than I was. Besides, he wasn’t going to find anything, thanks to Cadotte. My boss released me with a little shove and a mutter of annoyance. I stepped out of his reach and nearer to my rifle. My fingers rested on the butt of my pistol. Clyde ran a hand over his face and sighed. â€Å"He’s been keeping an eye on you. Discovering what you know. Putting you off balance. If he’s got you in his bed, then you aren’t out doing your job, are you?†â€Å"I’ve been doing my job,†I snapped. â€Å"You’ve been doing him.†Clyde bit off a stub of chew and chomped ferociously for a few seconds. â€Å"I like you, Jessie, and I don’t want to hurt your feelings.†â€Å"Why stop now?†I muttered. Clyde ignored me. â€Å"I’ve seen the women Cadotte fucks. You don’t fit in.†What else was new? I never had. But I’d started to think that I might, with him. â€Å"Cadotte’s up to something,†Clyde continued. â€Å"I just can’t figure out what.†I wanted to say Cadotte loved me. He thought I was beautiful. Funny, sexy, special. Everything I’d ever wanted to be, I was to him. But I wasn’t so sure anymore. He had taken the totem. To protect me? Or to ruin me? Until I knew, I was keeping my mouth shut. â€Å"Did he tell you anything about the ceremony?†â€Å"No.†He hadn’t told me. I’d read it in a book. I frowned. But not all of the ceremony. There’d been a page missing. Which was more troublesome now than ever before. â€Å"What do you know?†I asked. â€Å"Blue moon. Werewolf army. Matchi-auwishuk totem.†Clyde knew about as much as I did. â€Å"Blood of the one who loves you.†I blinked. â€Å"The what of the who?†â€Å"Blood of the one who loves you,†he repeated slowly. â€Å"It’s needed for the ceremony.†I turned and headed for the door. â€Å"Jessie? Where you going?†I didn’t answer. I couldn’t very well tell the sheriff that I was going to kill someone. How to cite Night Creature: Blue Moon Chapter 36, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Consider the Theme of Transformation in Metamorphosis and the Yellow Wallpaper. free essay sample
Consider the theme of transformation in Metamorphosis and The Yellow Wallpaper. Apart from the very apparent theme of transformation that runs through both stories there are also many underlying themes connected with transformation, not just physical but also mental. Metamorphosis sees Gregor wake up one morning physically transformed overnight into a huge insect, by the description given by Kafka, possibly similar in appearance to a cockroach, although the description given does not allow the reader to make any definite identification. He has been the breadwinner of the family, working as a travelling salesman to keep a roof over the heads of his mother, father and younger sister. This is a service that he has got no thanks or recognition for from his parents who do nothing towards the up keep of the household and just expect Gregor to take care of everything. The Yellow Wallpaper, in contrast, sees the nameless protagonist narrating her confinement to an old nursery in a large house, due to a temporary nervous depression, by her doctor husband. The enforced rest is Gilman’s own version of Silas Weir Mitchell’s treatment of prolonged rest and lack of stimulation, a treatment that Gilman herself had been subjected to. Her mental state gradually transforms throughout the story, until finally she becomes reduced to a childlike state, crawling round the edge of the room, in a relatively sinister way, not even recognising her husband, or stopping when he gets in her way. Gregor’s relationship with his family undergoes a severe transformation following his unfortunate situation. He goes from being someone who has at least been needed, even though he has not been appreciated, by his family, to something that is despised, feared and neglected. His family themselves also undergo some transformation in the way they conduct themselves. With the misfortune of Gregor they have to become more responsible for themselves, and self sufficient if they are to retain their home. It also considers the transformation through the length of the story of Grete from a girl into a young woman, realised by her parents at the very end of the story. When comparing the two stories there are differences in who undergoes changes. The Yellow Wallpaper sees solely the protagonist changing both mentally and physically, in contrast Metamorphosis sees Gregor mainly physically changing and having to adapt to life as a bug and it is his family that change mentally to cope with the situation they have found themselves thrust into. It would be expected that through his family’s treatment of Gregor that his love and devotion for them would morph into a type of hatred or resentment, however his want and need to be with them never changes throughout. Even his last service is selfless and he dies for the good of his family after hearing his sister uncontrollably upset about the creature that has taken the place of her brother. â€Å"We must try to get rid of it, it will be the death of both of you, I can see that coming. When one has to work as hard as we do, all of us, one can’t stand this continual torment at home on top of it. At least I can’t stand it any longer. †(Kafka 2005) Gregor had always been close to his sister and had indeed been hoping to send her to study music. In his sister’s words he finally realises that he will never be accepted back into the fold of the family and will only continue to cause them hurt if he continues to stay. The only choice he has is to give in to the infection that has set in from the wound of the apple embedded in his back, and to pass away quietly. On the realisation that he is dead the Samsas almost seem to have a small attack of conscience, they huddle together and shed tears in the privacy of the parent’s bedroom and Mrs Samsa nearly stops the charwoman brushing his corpse aside. ‘I should say so,’ said the charwoman, proving her words by pushing Gregor’s corpse to one side with her broomstick. Mrs Samsa made a movement as if to stop her, but checked it. †(Kafka 2005) Grete realises just how neglected Gregor was as she sees him close up and prolonged for the first time since he first transformed, â€Å"Just see how thin he was. It’s such a long time since heâ€⠄¢s eaten anything. †(Kafka 2005) Unlike Gregor the protagonist in The Yellow Wallpaper does have some control over her destiny as she demonstrates. Gilman writes her story as a demonstration of the effects of gender inequality, and the male patriarchal hold over women. The narrator slowly slips into a deeper psychosis the more time she spends alone in the room, however in her studies of the text Catherine Golden questions whether her transformation is simply a sign of her increasingly hallucinatory state or a larger awareness of the limitations of her patriarchal world. This is a very interesting question and one that has many possible answers. The text itself is open to many interpretations and has been received by critics in several different ways. The wallpaper itself morphs gradually the more time the narrator spends looking at it. At first just dim shapes are seen behind the pattern the narrator tells us that â€Å"The dim shapes get clearer every day. It is always the same shape only very numerous. And it is like a woman stooping down and creeping about behind that pattern. †(Gilman 1998) The theme of imprisonment is apparent from the first mention of something behind the pattern as the narrator tells us that â€Å"the faint figure behind seemed to shake the pattern, just as if she wanted to get out. (Gilman 1998) The feeling of being imprisoned seems to match not only the mental state of the narrator, but also the position of her too. She is imprisoned in a world where she is expected to be loyal and subordinate to her husband and have no thoughts of her own. She is not even able to write and has to do it in secret when nobody is in the room. The morphing of the wallpaper is in direct correlation to the breakdown of the narrator’s own mental state. As the patterns form into images that become gradually clearer, so the narrator’s mind becomes more disturbed. She becomes trapped not only in the room but also within the wallpaper that surrounds her, as she finds herself staying up all night to watch the goings on behind the wallpaper. Her mental health suffers as a consequence as it almost becomes locked in a strange tug of war with the wallpaper over which is going to have the final influence. In the same way that the narrator is trapped in The Yellow Wallpaper, so Gregor and his family are in Metamorphosis. When they are faced with the fate that has befallen Gregor they become immediately encased in an impossible situation that they can see no out of. Some critics have suggested that the transformation of Gregor into a bug is reflective of his own family’s treatment of him. They live off his earnings, expecting him to keep a roof over their heads while his parents do nothing and live almost as parasites feeding off his hard work and commitment to them. So to represent their behaviour Kafka gives us the physical embodiment of their attitude and blatant ungratefulness. Another idea, suggested by Ramon G. Mendoza is that Gregor’s transformation is the embodiment of his own self-image. He sees himself as nothing but a worthless bug, rejected by his father, who he still unsuccessfully attempts to win approval from. In his transformation though, their relationship becomes a much more balanced one, which sees his father treating him in a way that would be expected of something verminous. Gregor’s new physical form is a punishment Mendoza goes on to suggest that â€Å"the metamorphosis is therefore a punishment for the protagonist’s self-image, which coincides with his father’s reputed son-image. †(Mendoza 1986) Gregor’s relationship with his sister changes throughout the novella. Having been very close to his sister he finds that gradually she is distancing herself from him. At the beginning she takes the time and care to try to look after him as best she can, selecting foods that she thinks he might like and cleaning his room out nicely for him. However as the story progresses this care and attention turns into whatever food might be left over pushed into his room with her foot and then removed with a broom. Also allowing his room, which she had previously had cleared so he had more room to crawl, to become a dumping ground for the household. Gregor becomes alienated from his parents and eventually from humanity itself. He has been stripped of his human identity as soon as he changed into his insect form, however slowly all forms of humanity are taken from him. Following his metamorphosis, as he leaves his room, he is confronted by the violent reaction of his father driving him back into his bedroom. At first he is able to communicate with his mother and the chief clerk, so still holds some form of human trait enabling him to still think of himself as playing some part at least in the human race. However as soon as he has the realisation that to everyone else he has lost all rights to hold any human qualities the power of speech leaves him as well, and he only has the ability to hiss as his father drives him back to his room with a stick. Gregor does retain his human qualities such as feelings, emotions and senses, but the only one who realises this is Gregor himself. The ability to communicate with anyone has been taken away from him, so even if his was not forced to live in the isolation of his room he would be isolated anyway through his inability to communicate his thoughts and feelings. In this way he is doubly isolated and forced into an alienated situation no matter what happens. In The Yellow Wallpaper Gilman also explores the idea of alienation and isolation. The narrator begins to feel more and more isolated, pushing her mental state further into unbalance and pushing her more and more behind the bars of the wallpaper. Both Gregor and the protagonist of The Yellow Wallpaper are in situations of forced alienation rather than voluntary. The narrator sees herself eventually cut off even from the garden as her husband concludes that she is too weak. She lives in a time where all women’s minds were isolated and they were expected to fill them with thoughts of being a good wife and mother, keeping a respectable household and not wanting to pursue pastimes such as writing or education. She seems to find a purpose in the wallpaper, something that settles and arouses her, â€Å"Life is very much more exciting now than it used to be. You see I have something more to expect, to look forward to, to watch. I really do eat better, and am much quieter than I was. †(Gilman 1998) Many things within the story change from what they should be into something much more sinister. The bars that are on the windows, designed to prevent children falling out, a seemingly innocent task become symbols of the narrators own imprisonment, keeping her in the room, and possibly pushing her further into the wallpaper. Even the sunlight becomes something grotesque, causing her deteriorating mental state to be reflected within the wallpaper, showing within it â€Å"a lack of sequence, a defiance of law, that is a constant irritant to a normal mind. (Gilman 1998) As she does nothing by day but watch the wallpaper, the narrator cites following the constant changing pattern as tiresome and perplexing and eventually starts sleeping during the day so she can watch the movements behind the paper at night when things are clearer. â€Å"The moon shines in all night when there is a moon- I wouldn’t know it was the same paper At night in any kind of light, in twilight, candlelight , lamplight and worse of all by moonlight, it becomes bars! The outside pattern I mean, and the woman behind it is as plain as can be. (Gilman 1998) In the same way that the narrator’s mental state alters through the story so too does the mentality of Gregor in Metamorphosis. When he first wakes up Gregor remains as a human trapped in the body of a beetle; he still thinks as a human in terms of movement, attempting at first to get out of bed as he would normally do. He soon adapts to thinking of his movement in terms of his present body rather than that of a human, and actually comes to enjoy in some way the new experiences this gives him. He especially enjoyed hanging suspended from the ceiling; it was much better than lying on the floor; one could breathe more freely; one’s body swung and rocked lightly;†(Kafka 2005) Gregor still attempts to hold on to his last part of his humanity by feeling some involvement in the family. He listens at the door of his room, trying to hear the conversations that are taking place between the family members; by this action he feels that he is not completely alienated from humanity. The fact that he can understand completely what has been said reminds him that he is not fully inhuman. His sister, who has always respected him, loses her respect for him and his own personal space, she no longer thinks of him as human in any way. This is demonstrated by her need to throw open his window noisily each time she enters his room after a short time since his metamorphosis. In the immediate aftermath of the change she still seems to think of him with some compassion as she cares for him; however in her later behaviour she almost becomes worse than her parents. She has made the commitment from the beginning to see to him, but when she decides to move the furniture out she is doing a service to him as a bug, but this just proves to Gregor that she no longer regards him as human in any form. As a human with feelings and sentiment Gregor would want his personal effects around him, but Grete gives no though to this and now just regards him as an ‘it. ’ It is his sister’s final betrayal of him that causes Gregor to give up; having just found the nourishment in her music that he has been searching for for months. The physical state of Gregor’s father alters at several points within the story. At the beginning he seems to do nothing but lounge on the sofa, barely even raising an arm to greet Gregor when he returns from a business trip. He only leaves the house on very rare occasions, and when he does is described as shuffling along with a stick. He then transforms into a strong man, who seems proud to be wearing his blue uniform. It is in this state that he bombards Gregor with apples, causing the injury that would finally lead to Gregor’s death. He then transforms again into what Vladimir Nabokov suggests as, a sort of beetle man, he reverts to lying on the sofa again allowing his uniform to become dirty but making no move to improve. The Yellow Wallpaper sees the protagonist come to a realisation that there may be a great many more women trapped behind the bars of wallpaper just as she is, â€Å"sometimes I think there are a great many women behind it. †(Gilman 1998) Gilman writes intending the wallpaper to represent the patriarchal repressive hold men have over women. The narrator actually goes so far as to describe the wallpaper as a fungus, and says that she can see it spreading further, this could represent the fact that she is recognising how her repressed spirit is becoming weaker as the influence of her husband is growing over her until she will eventually have no free will at all. The madness that the narrator finds herself in as she is transformed at the end of the story could be seen as an actual triumph by her rather than something terrible that has taken it’s hold on her. By convincing himself that his wife is getting better and the treatment he has prescribed is working her husband is blind to the real cause of her maladies, his power over her. In her final act of madness she has the power back to show him exactly the level she has been forced to go to. It would appear that many women before her have suffered the same fate as this is what has caused the deep groove in the wall, exactly where her shoulder now fits. Gilman is showing that if the gender inequality continues then many more women will have to start taking control back in this way also. When the mind has no stimulation, especially the female mind, it will make its own stimulation from whatever surrounds it. So the narrator begins to find a story to play out behind the pattern in the wallpaper. She seems to know that it will not be a very pleasant story as she is immediately repulsed by the sight of the wallpaper, describing it as, â€Å"the colour is repellent, almost revolting; a smouldering unclean yellow, strangely faded by the slow-turning sunlight. And the pattern as â€Å"dull enough to confuse the eye in following, pronounced enough to constantly irritate and provoke study, and when you follow the lame curves for a little distance they suddenly commit suicide†(Gilman 1998) What she does not realise is that the story that she so avidly watches playing out behind the wallpaper is that of herself. She is the one imprisoned behind the bars, desperately shaking them to get out from under the control of her husband and the others around her. She realises at the very end that the only way out is to let herself and the woman behind the paper become one and to release what has been suppressed. â€Å"â€Å"I’ve got out at last,†said I, in spite of you and Jane. And I’ve pulled off most of the paper, so you can’t put me back! ††(Gilman 1998) For Gregor, his transformation takes on several stages. The initial transformation is that of him becoming the beetle and being immediately removed from humanity by his inability to communicate. Gregor realises gradually the reality of his situation and deals with it accordingly but as he does he becomes more and more hopeless. He is further removed from his human traits when his furniture and belongings get removed from him. He attempts to join the family at only three points in the plot; all three are met with violence from his father physically forcing him back into his alienation. His sister undergoes the transformation of the eventual complete emotional abandonment of Gregor. This realisation that his sister, who he has always cared for, no longer regards him as anything but an inconvenience, a thing to be dealt with, pushes him to his death. Mendoza writes that the story is the ultimate metaphor of extreme human alienation, describing Gregor’s situation as being on the outside of humanity with no net below. Gregor’s whole family dynamic transforms itself, Mendoza again suggests that Gregor may have the form of a bug, but is essentially still human, whereas his family become human outwardly but inside are themselves the bugs. Bibliography Alter, R. (1991). Necessary Angels, Tradition and modernity in Kafka, Benjamin, and Scholem, Harvard University Press: Massachusetts. BBC. co. uk/dna/h2g2 Gilman, C. P. (1998). The Yellow Wallpaper, Bedford Books: Boston. Golden, C. J. (1992). The Captive Imagination, The Feminist Press: New York. Golden, C. J. (2004). The Yellow Wallpaper, A Sourcebook and Critical Edition, Routledge: Oxton. Helium. com/items/1104993-charlotte-perkins-gilmanthe-yellow-wallpaper-literary-analysis. Janouch, G. (1968). Conversations With Kafka, The Trinity Press: London. Kafka, F. (2005). Metamorphosis, Vintage: London. Mendoza, R. G. (1986). Outside Humanity, A Study of Kafka’s Fiction, University Press of America: Lanham. Nabokov, V. ( 1983). Lectures on Literature, Pan Books Ltd: London.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Adding Commas to a Paragraph
Adding Commas to a Paragraph This exercise offers practice in applying the rules for using commas effectively. Before attempting the exercise, you may find it helpful to review this article on comma usage. In the following paragraph, insert commas wherever you think they belong. (Try reading the paragraph aloud: at least in some cases, you should be able to hear where commas are needed.) When you are done, compare your work with the correctly punctuated version of the paragraph on page two. The Least Successful Car In 1957 Ford produced the car of the decadethe Edsel. Half of the models sold proved to be spectacularly defective. If lucky the proud owner of an Edsel could enjoy any or all of the following features: doors that wouldnt close hoods and trunks that wouldnt open batteries that went dead horns that stuck hubcaps that dropped off paint that peeled transmissions that seized up brakes that failed and push buttons that couldnt be pushed even with three people trying. In a stroke of marketing genius the Edsel one of the largest and most lavish cars ever built coincided with the rising public interest in economy cars. As Time magazine reported It was a classic case of the wrong car for the wrong market at the wrong time. Never popular to begin with the Edsel quickly became a national joke. One business writer at the time likened the cars sales graph to an extremely dangerous ski slope. He added that so far as he knew there was only one case of an Edsel ever being stolen. When you are done, compare your work with the correctly punctuated version of the paragraph below The Least Successful Car (Paragraph With Commas Restored) In 1957[,] Ford produced the car of the decadethe Edsel. Half of the models sold proved to be spectacularly defective. If lucky[,] the proud owner of an Edsel could enjoy any or all of the following features: doors that wouldnt close[,] hoods and trunks that wouldnt open[,] batteries that went dead[,] horns that stuck[,] hubcaps that dropped off[,] paint that peeled[,] transmissions that seized up[,] brakes that failed[,] and push buttons that couldnt be pushed even with three people trying. In a stroke of marketing genius[,] the Edsel[,] one of the largest and most lavish cars ever built[,] coincided with the rising public interest in economy cars. As Time magazine reported[,] It was a classic case of the wrong car for the wrong market at the wrong time. Never popular to begin with[,] the Edsel quickly became a national joke. One business writer at the time likened the cars sales graph to an extremely dangerous ski slope. He added t hat so far as he knew there was only one case of an Edsel ever being stolen.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Technology in Our Lives essays
Technology in Our Lives essays Only once in a lifetime will a new invention come about to touch every aspect of our lives. Such a device that changes the way we work, live, and play is a special one, indeed. This incredible invention is the computer. In the last 40 years has it changed the American society. Computer technology is a major part of our society. People use computers in a wide variety of ways. In business, computers track inventories with scanners, transfer funds, and check credit status of customers electronically. In homes, computers control indoor temperature, operate home security systems, tell the time, and so on. Computers are used extensively in scientific research to solve mathematical problems, display data, and create models. Computers also are used to entertain. Without the technology of computers, there would be no digitized sound on the stereo system. In the book The Night Room, written by E.M. Goldman , there is a certain type of technology that simulates the futures of the people involved. Although this computer program appeared to have innocent and good effects on society, there also turned out to be frightening and even dangerous effects. The book was based on seven high school students who were chosen to participate in this project. The students would get a simulation of their tenth high school reunion. The students took turns and find out interesting things about their future. One student finds out she will be a wealthy actress. One finds out that he will become an abusive alcoholic. One found out that she will be dead. Some good effects coming out of this project included the fact that it could prevent bad habits. When that one boy found out that he was going to be a abusive drunk, he vowed never to drink again. One girl saw that she would be overweight, so she started a healthy diet and ex ercise program. The negative effects were numerous. It disrupted peoples ...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Santeria Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Santeria - Research Paper Example Perhaps, but it depends on the criteria one uses to measure success. For example, there are not many members of Santeria and it is also quite a geographically and racially limited faith (de la Torre, 12). It probably would not appeal to a broad segment of the world’s population. The practitioners of this faith have also not made much of an impact on contemporary life. But before discussing this issue further, some history about Santeria is important. The Santeria developed largely out of a mix of African tribal religions and new world spirituality that meshed together in the plantations of the Caribbean. During the 16th and 17th century many Africans were kidnapped from their homes on the East Coast of Africa and forcibly transferred to the Caribbean to work on sugarcane plantations as slaves (Eltis, 156-7). Their journey in the Middle Passage was a truly cruel and terrifying one. Although the place they were going to was very religiousâ€â€mostly Catholicâ€â€the people there had no real respect for the Africans’ traditional religions. Many new arrivals to the New World found their religion had been criminalized and that they had to be baptized into a new faith (Eltis, 78). They had the vestiges of their old life stripped from them as they were nothing more than rags. Over time, the old religion and the new religions became one and Santeria was born. Santeria has special gods and special priests and interesting ceremonies that sometimes feature animal sacrifices. Music plays a very important role in the rituals (de la Torre, 121). In these respects it is similar to many of its constituent religions, including Catholicism. All of these reasons establish that Santeria is a fascinating religion; this essay will examine some further points that strengthen this assertion. To many, Santeria is looked at with some suspicion as there have been some unfortunate news stories about it in recent years (McQuiston). People sometimes have the ideas
Monday, February 3, 2020
Write about the reasons of the need of geometry who Descartes and Essay
Write about the reasons of the need of geometry who Descartes and Fermat contributed founding it. Also write about if there was a rivalry between them If there was, what caused it - Essay Example A theorem that is not simple to write more pithily in simple language called the four-line theorem. In addition, if two of the fixed lines correspond then the conduit of P is still a conic other than the predicament the three-line predicament is easier. Furthermore, Fermat presented his own resistant of the three-line theorem, as well as in doing so, he completed use of systematic technique determining position in a plane by two systematize presentation that if the coordinates are correlated by equations like 2x + 3y = 5, subsequently, the point lies on a instantly line along with rapidly. He also exerted out the equations of the curves identified as conic segment as well as he was moderately familiar with direct methods in three extents (Newman, pp. 49-54). Additional work of a comparable character by Fermat transmits to the problem of erect a tangent to a curve by means of infinitesimals. Moreover, he established a method of scheme that resolved a problem of locale. In addition, almost significant was his method of maxima and minima as well (Mahoney, pp.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Privatisation On Life Insurance Corporation Of India Economics Essay
Privatisation On Life Insurance Corporation Of India Economics Essay With the advent of new players in the field of Life insurance sector, the degree of competition has increased multifold. The private insurance companies are launching new innovative insurance plans for their survival and growth. At the same time, Life Insurance Corporation of India has upgraded their quality of service to retain, maintain and attract new business. An attempt has been made to study the impact of privatization on LIC. The Development Officers were contacted to know their observations about the impact of privatization on their life insurance business and their views as how their life insurance business has been influenced by the opening of the sector. LIC has made a lot of changes in its operation and latest technology is being used to serve the customer. The customer grievances are properly attended and all maturity claims are settled to the entire satisfaction of the policyholders. The privatization of the sector has brought lot of opportunities for all the players. Under such situation, fittest of the fit will survive and the rest will vanish over a period of time. In the year 2000, when the insurance sector was privatized, many companies entered into the insurance sector and as a result competition has increased multifold. Initially, most of the private life insurance companies spent huge amount of money on advertisement. The purpose of the advertisement was to inform the public about their existence and the importance of life insurance policies in human life. With the rise in the degree of competition among the life insurance companies in India, the companies realized the need of developing new life insurance policy plans which can satisfy the multi needs of policyholders and as a result, the concept of riders were introduced. New channels of distributions have been introduced which have been economical and effective in serving the public. NEED FOR THE STUDY With the privatization of the insurance sector, efforts have been made by the government to regulate the business of insurance through Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority ( IRDA). IRDA has formulated various guidelines to bring transparency in the working and make the system customer friendly. As a result, most of the companies are practicing Customer Relationship strategies to keep their customers delighted. Keeping in view such changes in the insurance sector, a need is felt to find out as what is the change in the attitude of general public before and after the Privatization. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY This study is an attempt to find out the impact of privatization on Life Insurance Corporation of India. The basic purpose of conducting this study includes: To find out the difference in the attitude of general public before and after the Privatization. To analyse the LIC business procurement in terms of First Premium Income (FPI) over the last 4 years. To study the attitude of Development Officers towards impact of privatization on their insurance business RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A descriptive study on the General Public and Development Officers have been undertaken to find out the answers to the objectives of the study. The study has been conducted in the selected cities of Haryana viz. Ambala Cantt, Ambala City, Kurukshetra Panipat, Karnal, Yamuna Nagar, Panchkula and Jagadhari. A structured questionnaire has been framed with multiple answers and their views have been noted and analysed to draw important conclusions. TYPE OF DATA COLLECTED Both primary and secondary data has been used to study the impact of privatization on Life Insurance Corporation of India. Primary data has been collected from General Public and Development Officers through structured questionnaire where as secondary data has been collected from the IRDA journal(s) pertaining to the FPI of life Insurance Corporation of India over the last 4 years. SAMPLING TECHNIQUES Stratified random sampling technique has been used in the study. Out of the eight cities selected for the study, 50 respondents from general public, representing different stratas of the society have been included. Similarly, 35 Development Officers from each city have been chosen on snow ball sampling basis. HYPOTHESIS H o Privatisation of the Insurance Sector has adversely affected the working of LIC. H a Privatisation of the Insurance Sector has favourably affected the working of LIC Ho After the privatisation, whether your business as Development Officer has been adversely affected? H a After the privatisation, whether your business as Development Officer has been favorably affected? DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF BUSINESS PERFORMANCE OF LIC IN TERMS OF FIRST PREMIUM INCOME (FPI) Table 1.1: Comparative Analysis of Business Performance of LIC in terms of FPI Name of LIC ZONE with FPI IN 2006-2007 FPI IN 2007-2008 Growth Rate in %age 2007-2008 FPI IN 2008-2009 Growth Rate in%age 2008-2009 FPI IN 2009-2010 Growth rate in %age 2009-2010 North Zone 862124.66 808943.20 -6.17 637302.71 -21.22 767438.31 20.42 North Central 463995.25 481078.84 3.68 384078.36 -20.16 493495.89 28.49 Central Zone 251776.58 210294.93 -16.48 183249.12 -12.86 226104.41 23.39 East Central Zone 261215.49 296291.15 13.43 262577.04 -11.38 310326.43 18.18 Eastern Zone 342181.75 410185.77 19.87 391795.29 -4.48 526284.19 34.33 South Central 596867.00 581365.08 -2.60 448089.37 -22.92 532827.32 18.91 Southern Zone 586241.87 855150.87 45.87 453414.89 -46.98 553047.49 21.97 Western Zone 589755.23 737975.93 25.13 771614.08 4.56 886520.29 14.89 TOTAL FIGURE 3954157.83 4381285.77 10.80 3532120.86 -19.38 4296044.33 21.63 Table 1.1 clearly shows that there was increase and decrease in most of the zones of LIC except the Western zone which made a consistent increase in the business from 2006-2007 to 2009-2010. The performance of all the zones were better during the financial year 2009-2010 as all the Eight zones have shown a positive growth rate. The maximum business in terms of FPI from the Western Zone followed by North zone and Southern zone. Eastern zone made the maximum growth rate of 34.33 % during the financial year 2009-2010. QUESTION-1: A question was asked to the General public ( 50 IN EACH CITY) about their future intentions to buy any life insurance plan and which insurance company will they prefer Table1.2: Interest of the General Public to purchase insurance Respondents interested to insure LIC Other Companies City Ambala Cantt. Count 18 4 % within City 81.8% 18.2% Ambala City Count 13 3 % within City 81.3% 18.8% Kurukshetra Count 14 0 % within City 100.0% .0% Panipat Count 14 3 % within City 82.4% 17.6% Karnal Count 10 2 % within City 83.3% 16.7% Yamuna Nagar Count 9 3 % within City 75.0% 25.0% Panchkula Count 11 5 % within City 68.8% 31.3% Jagadhari Count 9 3 % within City 75.0% 25.0% Total Count 98 23 % within City 81.0% 19.0% Chi-Square Tests Value df Pearson Chi-Square 5.477a 7 Likelihood Ratio 7.866 7 Linear-by-Linear Association 2.124 1 N of Valid Cases 280 a. 8 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.63. 81% respondents like to get insured by having LIC policy, Chi square significance is .001, which suggests that data is significantly related. QUESTION-2: After the privatisation of the insurance sector, whether your business ( Development Officer) has been affected? Table 1.3: Effect of privatization on the business Business has increased or decreased Increase Stable City Ambala Cantt. Count 33 2 % within City 94.3% 5.7% Ambala City Count 31 4 % within City 88.6% 11.4% Kurukshetra Count 34 1 % within City 97.1% 2.9% Panipat Count 33 2 % within City 94.3% 5.7% Karnal Count 34 1 % within City 97.1% 2.9% Yamuna Nagar Count 33 2 % within City 94.3% 5.7% Panchkula Count 35 0 % within City 100.0% .0% Jagadhari Count 34 1 % within City 97.1% 2.9% Total Count 267 13 % within City 95.4% 4.6% Chi-Square Tests Value df Pearson Chi-Square 6.373a 7 Likelihood Ratio 7.084 7 Linear-by-Linear Association 2.392 1 N of Valid Cases 280 a. 8 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.63. From the above table it is clear that business of the LIC has increased (95.4%). Chi square significance is .003, which suggests that data is significantly related. QUESTION-3: Do you think that privatization of Insurance sector is a sign of growth for You as Development Officer and for LIC as a whole? Table1.4: Relationship between privatization and growth for LIC privatization of business sector is a sign of growth for LIC Yes No No Comments City Ambala Cantt. Count 33 2 0 % within City 94.3% 5.7% .0% Ambala City Count 32 1 2 % within City 91.4% 2.9% 5.7% Kurukshetra Count 29 2 4 % within City 82.9% 5.7% 11.4% Panipat Count 34 1 0 % within City 97.1% 2.9% .0% Karnal Count 34 0 1 % within City 97.1% .0% 2.9% Yamuna Nagar Count 33 2 0 % within City 94.3% 5.7% .0% Panchkula Count 35 0 0 % within City 100.0% .0% .0% Jagadhari Count 32 2 1 % within City 91.4% 5.7% 2.9% Total Count 262 10 8 % within City 93.6% 3.6% 2.9% Chi-Square Tests Value df Pearson Chi-Square 19.118a 14 Likelihood Ratio 21.221 14 Linear-by-Linear Association 1.386 1 N of Valid Cases 280 a. 16 cells (66.7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.00. According to 93.6% respondents, privatization is a growth sign for LIC. Chi square significance is .002, which suggests that data is significantly related. From the above analysis it is seen that there is hardly any impact of privatization on the business of LIC. Hence hypothesis H0 is Rejected, which shows that the business of LIC has been affected by privatization but it has positive impact on the business of LIC, hence we accept the alternate Hypothesis.. FINDINGS On the basis of the study undertaken on General Public and Development Officers, some important observations are appended below Corporate Active Data Warehouse (CADW): LICs CADW is one of the largest life insurance customer database in the world. The project has enabled LIC to launch Customer focused campaign like Customer Contact Program and Global Club Customer Campaigns launched in the various A Class cities during the year 2009-2010. The major achievement has been to send a single notice for the premium falling due in the same month for the various policies of an individual policyholder. All these initiatives launched have made the brand of LIC more visible in the eyes of the policyholders and public in general. New channels for premium payment: More channels have been added to facilitate the renewal premium payment by the policyholders. Major addition is in the form of creating PREMIUM POINTS where policyholders can deposit the premium 24*7 and can get a final receipt from the office of the empowered LIC agents who are spread across the country. More than 5000 such empowered agents are authorized to provide this service to policyholders. Apart from this, 350 satellite offices have been opened in various cities to give the feel of physical presence of LIC. Enterprise Document Management System: LIC has implemented EDMS in its offices to digitize the customers an Office records. EDMS has been done to get the advantage in terms of Enabling the concept of anywhere-anytime service through electronic files. To make documents and files available to multiple users simultaneously. To eliminate the need to transfer paper records from one branch to another branch. Electronic Bill Presentation and Payment (EBPP): Premium can be paid through various banks like City Bank, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Federal Bank, Corporation Bank, Axis Bank and other service providers-Bill Desk and Tech Process which cover almost all other banks throughout the country. Premium can be paid through credit card also. Premium can also be made through ATM card and EBPP. Premium can be deposited for the in force policies only and which are not with monthly or salary saving schemes. Customer Grievance Redressal Management: LIC has grievance redressal officers at Branch/Divisional/Zonal/Central office to redress the grievances of policyholders and for bringing transparency in the operations. IT enabled support system have been operationalised to reduce manual intervention and to minimize the grievances. For quick redressal of grievances, LIC has introduced a customer friendly Complaint Management System through customer portal where the policyholder can directly register any complaint/ grievance/quarry and track its status anytime without going anywhere. CONCLUSION The performance of LIC during the year 2006 to 2010 indicates that there has been tremendous amount of potential in the insurance business. It is hoped that the spark ignited by the leading insurance company shall be carried forward by all the players and they will generate phenomenal business and fulfills the social obligation to the society. With the privatization of the insurance sector, the degree of competition has increased and as a result, the service standard of insurance companies has improved beyond imagination. In the present set up of life insurance organisations, Development Officer is the most important functionary of the organisation. The major life insurance business is procured through agents who are supervised by their respective DOs. An agent is the representative of the company who has the maximum interaction with the General public and persuades the prospects to purchase insurance policy. The agents should be well trained so that the general public can be made aw are about the importance of the concept of life insurance. In the recent past, most of the agents of the life insurance companies are offered lucrative incentives so that the sales force can be always be set in high spirit. In India, insurance market is open, only fittest of the fit will survive.LIC is an old trusted brand, it has to launch new policy plans which can satisfy the multi needs of the public. At the same time, LIC has to train and develop its employees so that they can serve the customer with full commitment and dedication. In short, privatization has favorably affected the LIC organization which has resulted into the improvement in the overall operations of LIC.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Of Mice and Men – in What Ways Could This Novel
Steinbeck makes it clear that most the workers on the ranch are lonely, as working in a ranch is hard work and no one really wants to work really hard every day Just to eat and survive, so you can say that the people working In the ranch have no alma In life, living temporary lives, oath beaten by hard boys down from the ranches to swim In the deep pool, and â€Å"A beaten hard by tramps†.Also as Leonie and George had to walk long way to the ranch or to work this may have been the case for lots of people in the ‘ass as that was the time of the Great Depression and the Wall Street Crash In where the economy of the USA fell and everyone was out of jobs and money, you can say that this is tragic In some way as it shows how hard people tried Just to find work and how the Depression bought loneliness onto the people of the ASSAI. Some people in the ranch vive more lonely lives than others. One of the loneliest persons on the ranch has to be Curly wife.As she Is the only women on the ranch she feels Isolated and left out from the men and feels different. Also no one really wants to talk to her as she is the wife of the boss's son and no one talks to her out of fear of getting into a fight with Curly who has power upon the ranch to fire people as he is the boss's son and the workers did not want to get fired as there were no Jobs around. This can be seen as tragic as If a worker Is accidentally seen communicating with Curly wife Curly will ant him fired or will want to fight him as Curly is seen as a character as aggressive.Also Curry's wife is seen as a â€Å"flirt†or just wants attention as she is the only female on the ranch, but Curly doesn't want her to talk to anyone. As she has no female friends on the ranch, men are her only option, but they do not want to talk to her. So this really frustrates her and makes her lonely. Even thought Curry's wife is mentioned throughout the book, she is never called by her name, from her lack of a personal definition you can say that the men on the ranch don't see her a normal human being UT as an â€Å"object†. She says to Leonie â€Å"Think I don't like to talk to someone ever once in a while? This shows that she is trying to tell Leonie that she is desperate to talk to someone and have a friend that she can Just talk to, you can say this is tragic as Curry's wife can't even have one of life's simplest things â€Å"a conversation†or a friend. However, she believes that one day she would make It to the movies and become an actor, â€Å"l Alan used to level like this. I could made something of myself†¦ Maybe I will yet. †because of this extreme loneliness she wants to think of herself as having a true ahead of her, but in reality she does not.So she is living in two different lives, but in reality she Is living in a boring ranch with no one to talk to. You can say this Is tragic as the ranch brings peoples hope up Into believing that they will make it big one day but in reality the ranch crushes this dream and the workers on the ranch will 1 OFF Another point about Curly wife is she escapes all this â€Å"loneliness†by dying, when she is killed by Leonie, Steinbeck writes, and â€Å"The meanness and the planning of the discontent and the ache for attention were all gone from her face.This means that Curly wife is dead and now she looks happy when she is dead as she has escaped from being lonely. This can be seen as tragic as you can say that the only escape from loneliness is death. Another character that can be seen as lonely is Crooks. Crooks suffers from loneliness because he is the only black person on the ranch, and black people suffered lots of racial abuse from white people in the ‘ass because black people didn't have human rights. Also he lives by himself as no one likes him as he is black, this makes Crooks even lonelier.Crooks does not take part in any social activity in the ranch, he is so lonely that he tur ns to reading books in his spare time. Steinbeck shows Crooks character someone who is desperate for company, but Crooks really does not show it. This can be seen as tragic as everyone is racist to Crooks on the ranch and no one likes him. Also when Leonie enters Crooks room, Crooks talks to Leonie even though he knows that Leonie doesn't understand him as much, but still continues to talk as he is â€Å"not lonely' any more as he has someone to talk to.Crooks says, â€Å"A guy goes nuts if he ant got nobody†¦ I tell way a guy gets too lonely and he gets sick. †This shows that he knows what it's like to be lonely and what it can do to somebody, this can be seen as tragic as no one should really know what it really feels like to be left out and lonely for a very long time even though there are always people around you and those people neglect you for something that you don't choose to have – the color of your skin.Another character that is portrayed as lonely by Steinbeck is Candy. Candy is an old man who is physically disabled and who used to work on the ranch, he is disabled due to an accident in the past. You can say that candy is lonely because he is old and no one really wants to become friends with someone who is old, also Candy only companionship was his dog that got shot in the back of his head because he was getting old and useless Just like Candy.As Candy now has no friends he over hears Leonie and George talk about their â€Å"dream place†, as Candy wants to escape this loneliness he wants to Join Leonie and George in their dream place, so Candy offers his saving towards the dream place and making it a â€Å"reality'. â€Å"Expose I went in with you guys. †This shows that Candy is fed up from being in the ranch and wants to escape his past; also he knew he was going to be sacked soon as he old and cannot work so he put his money into the â€Å"Dream place†.This can be seen as tragic as you can say that peop le will give all their money away to escape from loneliness, and you can say that money does not always bring happiness. Another character that can be seen as lonely is Curly, even though he has a wife. No one really likes him in the ranch as he is aggressive and he likes to look down upon the workers on the ranch, this leads to Curly having no friends in the ranch, also Curly goes to the brothel house even though he has a wife, you can say that his wife may not like him that much or satisfy him so he turns to the brothel.This is tragic as Curly wants to be respected and to be seen as someone with power, no one him, also as Curly is intimidated by bigger men, he hates Leonie who is twice his size, as Lien's character is seen by the workers on the ranch as â€Å"innocent†and childlike†the workers seem to take Lien's side when Curly attacks Leonie out of frustration and anger.Curly as a character can be seen as tragic as no one really likes him and he has no real friend s and no one seems to respect him but only fear him because of his position in the ranch, even his own wife doesn't really like him as Curly always controls her and makes her feel lonely in her own ways and Curly even has to go to a brother to satisfy his sexual needs even though he has a wife, from this you can say that Curly is truly lonely.Another character that is portrayed as lonely towards the end of the book is George, as he killed Leonie, you can say that he now has no burden on his shoulders any more, but you can also say that George now has no true friend and will now suffer loneliness like the other men on the ranch. This could be seen as tragic as George killed Leonie out of â€Å"Love†and did Leonie as favor as Leonie would've been sent to a mental asylum and in the ‘ass asylums were bad places to be, so George did something out of â€Å"Love†and now suffers loneliness and not having a true friend.So in conclusion loneliness is seen tragic in a num ber of ways in this book and Steinbeck uses lots of means to escape loneliness; such as death, giving away all your possessions, and even turning to books. Also doing something you may think is good will bring something bad, like when George killing Leonie out of love and friendship, George will now suffer from loneliness, So â€Å"Loneliness†in Of Mice and Men is a major theme as all the characters are affected by it and Steinbeck shows all the tragedies of loneliness and he also shows what people would do Just to escape this â€Å"Loneliness†.
Friday, January 10, 2020
A beneficial method to use during negotiations is called collaborative principled negotiations.  The idea is for both parties to enter into the collaborative process with the focus on the interest, not positions. Previously, the parties would enter into negotiations with certain positions in mind and the positioned negotiations proved to be long and unsuccessful. This paper will discuss how trust is used in during principled negotiations and how BATNA makes the negotiations more successful than the previous positioned negotiations. The ideal way to begin negotiations is to create a collaborative team environment and separate the parties from the problem. The way to achieve this is to encourage the people focus on the interest at hand and not their specific positions. Together the parties can brainstorm and create a variety of solutions before making a final decision. The final agreement can be based on objective external standards and both parties can work together, through trust to find the Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA). â€Å"Integrating trust-building approaches into the collaborative team environment will help position teams and their respective companies for strategic competition in the marketplace†(Herzog, 2001,  ¶ 1). Any relationship involves giving a little and taking a little – cooperation, trust, and meeting expectations. Business relationships are no different; they too require trust, cooperation, and having expectations being met by both parties. Macoby says, â€Å"Profitable partnering relationships between companies are cemented by building trust, not by contracts. A relentless assault of trust and respect is a major factor in making alliances work †¦ trust [is] the single most important ingredient in making ventures work. You have to be allied with someone whom you can work through problems. (1997) Life and any business relationship is easier if both parties know that they can trust the partners or other parties to uphold an agreement. Additionally, knowing that the other parties is not just in the relationship for ulterior motives helps keep ethics and honesty at the forefront of the collaborative partnership. On successful and unsuccessful projects, collaborators begin the projects with perceptions regarding their own and their fellow collaborators' motives and expectations. Collaborative teams on successful projects participate in the shared conditions and processes identified in the research. The result is open and honest communication, collaborating team members getting along, and a trusting environment. The consequence of this is that high levels of trust are built between the collaborators, the project is successful, and consideration is given to continuing the relationship. (Herzog, 2001,  ¶ 15) On unsuccessful projects, the processes and conditions for success are present. However, without collaborative sharing of these conditions and processes, understanding of others and open and honest communication does not result, conflict and misunderstanding is normal, and levels of trust are low. Consequently, the projects will likely be unsuccessful, the collaborators will not establish trusting relationships, and new collaborative projects will not result. (Herzog, 2001,  ¶ 16) Hartman and Romahn (1999) extensively researched various types of trust described by others. They found that trust falls into the three main categories of emotional trust, competency trust, and ethical trust. If people are aware of how trust affects them, they are better able to build that trust in a relationship. For example, when working on a business relationship and one of the parties knows that the other party does not feel there is a great deal of competency than the first party can work harder to prove competence and help sustain the relationship and build greater trust. Hartman and Romahn developed a model that shows how combinations of these three types of trust influence collaborative levels of trust. This study suggests that â€Å"collaborative sharing†may be instruments through which emotional, competency, and ethical trust are built on collaborative project teams (1999). The whole idea is to give a little and work together. Collaborative project teams are designed because the parties involved can become more and provide more when working together and helping one another through areas of strength and weakness. By working together the final product or service is superior to just party doing it alone. Principled negotiations are all about working together. Using principled negotiations helps the team collaborative effort because the effort is put forth to achieve success in the end rather than immediate gratification for one party or another. Trust is essential and strong foundations are built on trust and once both parties involved in the negotiations knows that the trust is present and unwavering, the ability to contribute more becomes more apparent and negotiations become a very successful result and future negotiations are less of a problem. References Hartman, E, & Romahn, E. (1999). Trust: A new tool for project managers. Project Management Institute 1999 Seminars & Symposium, Philadelphia, PA: Papers presented October 10 to October 16, 1999 [CD-ROM]. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute. Herzog, V.L. (2001). Trust building on corporate collaborative project teams. Project Management Journal. Sylva: Mar 2001.Vol.32, Iss. 1; pg. 28, 10 pgs Macoby, M. (1997). Building trust is an art. Research Technology Management, 56-57.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Impeachment of Andrew Johnson - 1606 Words
With the assassination of President Lincoln, the presidency fell upon an old-fashioned southerner named Andrew Johnson. Although an honest and honorable man, Andrew Johnson was one of the most unfortunate Presidents. Over time there has been a controversial debate as to whether Johnson deserved to be impeached, or if it was an unconstitutional attempt by Congress to infringe upon the presidents authority. The impeachment of Andrew Johnson was politically motivated. The spirit of the Jacksonian democracy inspired Andrew Johnson. In 1857, Johnson was then elected to represent Tennessee in the US Senate. While serving in the Senate, Johnson became an advocate of the Homestead Bill, which was opposed by most Southern Democrats and their†¦show more content†¦According to the Republicans, this was a clear violation of the law. Around the same time Johnson violated the Tenure of Office act by removing Stanton and not receiving the Senates approval. With these two violations committ ed by Johnson the Judiciary Committee voted to submit a report recommending impeachment.7 The House of Representatives drafted eleven articles of impeachment. The first eight articles described specific actions by the President that violated the Tenure of Office Act. The ninth article charged the President with trying to persuade an army officer to violate the 1867 Army Appropriation Act. The tenth article charged that in numerous public speeches the President deliberately tried to set aside the rightful authority and powers of Congress by subjecting it to disgrace, ridicule, hatred, contempt, and reproach. 8 The eleventh article charged the President with declaring in a public speech that the Thirty-Ninth Congress, as a Congress of only some of the states, had no authority to exercise legislative power. Rumors of an armed conflict between the President and Congress spread. Grant ordered the army garrison in Washington to remain on alert for trouble and stationed extra troops at the War Department building. 9 The expected clash never occurred however. On February 28, 1868, when the house voted along strict party lines to impeach President Johnson, theShow MoreRelatedThe Impeachment of Andrew Johnson Essay874 Words  | 4 PagesThe Impeachment of Andrew Johnson Impeachment, in the United States and Great Britain proceeding by a legislature for the removal of office of a public official charged with misconduct in office. Impeachment compromises both the act of formulating the accusation and the resulting trial of charges; it is frequently but mistakenly taken to mean removal from office of an accused official. An impeachment trial may result in an acquittal or in a verdict of guilty. 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